Stop and Have Some Ice Cream

The chocolate cream of melted vanilla ice cream and chocolate syrup. . . I think I enjoyed it more than the ice cream itself.  I can taste still.  I can see myself scraping off the bottom of a shallow white bowl.  A shallow white bowl with yellow flowers printed around the sides.  That 70’s yellow  style flower print.  I don’t know if I knew the bowls were 70’s bowls then, but I can see them now.  

Just as I can see myself sitting at that dining room table, late on a summer’s eve – scraping the melted chocolate cream.  Sitting in a world I thought would never change.  A world I thought would exist forever.  Just like I thought she would never change.  Just like I believed she would last forever.  

We must have exhausted her, us three girls.  Full of energy and mischief.  But she never showed it.  She patiently and lovingly fed us ice cream and chocolate syrup at the end of each summer evening.  I can see the room, kitchen light off.  Only the dining room light and lamp by her chair illuminating the paneled walls.  

We ate ice cream and laughed.  We didn’t know we should savor these moments but we devoured them because they consumed us with joy and love.  That world I didn’t know would change.  That world I didn’t know I’d grow older and miss so much.  As a child it seemed as though it had always been and would always be.  Sweet moments – sweet as that ice cream treat before bed.  Summers spent with my Grandma, sister and cousin.  

Now I know nothing stays the same, everything changes.  But I don’t know of to stop it, how to savor it, how to embrace it the way I did as a child.  The innocent way I did before I knew.  The simple way it happened before the years took her to heaven and made our lives so busy we rarely speak.  

Some say stop and smell the roses.  Maybe I should stop and have some ice cream.  Stop and remember the magical world I thought would never change.  And be grateful it is a part of me today.  

Bogged Down

This may not be my best post ever but I have found myself bogged down by life the last month.  So I promised myself I would write something today!  Here is that “something”.  Truthfully I have pre-written lots of stuff but have struggled to dedicate the time to figure out how to make my website function the way I have envisioned it to function.

And I have to take responsibility for that.  It is not a WordPress issue or a template issue.  It is me only opening the site once every two weeks.  This is new to me.  It is a challenge to learn any new task but especially if you only breeze by it intermittently with large gaps of time in between.

I keep buying into the excuses of my “real” job draining me.  Which is true but also should be the motivation to stay more engaged in my development.

Then there are all the kids activities from school, to ballet, to hockey to play dates and birthday parties.

On top of meal planing, house cleaning, bills, laundry. . .

The struggle is real party people.

But nothing changes if nothing changes.  I want to write.  I don’t want to stay in my current job.  And I am responsible for making that happen.

There is my something for today.  🙂



Day Two Jitters

Last night was a mix of excitement and panic.  I was excited I finally put something out there even though it is far from polished or complete.  Then came moments of panic and that nagging, self defeating voice would cry, “What did you do?”

Good news was that fleeting moment of fear was quickly replaced with curiosity and excitement.  I’m fueled by a curiosity to learn more and excited to see where this goes.  I love to write and am desperate for a career change.  After all, what do I have to lose!

Ripped the Band-aid


Today I ripped the band-aid.  In haste, after almost  a year of research, planning and swaying —  I started my blog today!  Research was helpful for I at least knew a website to go to and which was the most recommend.  A few terms felt familiar as I searched through domains and usernames.  Far from a pro there are many missing spots on my site still but I have more motivation and confidence this will come full circle now that it is out there. . . live. . .on the web.  

What I find interesting is why in the world I chose today to start?  Months ago I had completed a crash course on blogging.  I had written content, worked on images- then a small natural disaster derailed my entire world especially any time or energy for a blog.  

I also got distracted by a novel I am writing.  Hopefully I will finish that soon.

When the world started to slow down I focused more on other forms of writing feeling a true business might form via other avenues.  Still exploring that too.  

There have been many moments through the storm, through tragic events, or political uproars I thought I would start the blog. . . and yet didn’t.  

So why today?  I guess today I felt the urge and ran with it.  I want my life to change.  I want to write.  I want to use the expressive gifts God gave me.  And if nothing changes, then nothing changes.  

So today became the day.  Today the wheels of change leave the drawing board and begin to take flight.  I am full of fear and doubt but choosing to have faith and act in spite of the fear.  

I pray God blesses this adventure and for my readers I promise we will have some fun!

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